Saturday, November 21, 2009

Roasted chicken, wine tasting and books.

So I made my roasted chicken. It was pretty darned good. I used the fabulous Zuni Cafe Roasted Chicken recipe - slightly modified. There seem to be several versions online, but I like this one the best as the writing is humorous and witty and the recipe complete. Basically, I failed to start prepping my chicken the day before. That morning I pulled a frozen bird out of the freezer and let it thaw. The Zuni recipe wants you to clean and dry your bird for a day or so before you roast it. I have done this before, and while the chicken was good, I am not sure that it was noticeably better. This one I just washed and dried, stuck some rosemary under the breast and in the cavity, then liberally covered with salt and pepper. Cooked it on my trusty cast iron skillet in the oven, flipping it at 20 minute intervals. Everyone loved it.

Here in the valley, this weekend and next are big wine tasting weekends. We are going to do our part a bit today and taste some hopefully nice pinots this afternoon. Since we are close enough to the holiday season that the store is busy (yeah!) I will be working in the morning. This leads me to consider a slow cooking soup for dinner tonight. I have some dried fava beans in my pantry that I will be using with some of the left over chicken. Will report on progress later. I haven't given Thanksgiving cooking a second thought yet! Kudos to my co-blogger for being organized. I have considered just roasting the annoying cat and calling it good, but I think that my children would be unhappy.

Oh, as I wrote this, I INHALED a cornmeal waffle with chestnut honey on top. So. Good.


1 comment:

once bitten, twice crushed said...

omg that chicken looks sooooo good.